Nepali Date Converter
This Nepali Date converter is one of the most efficient date converter that exists. Nepali Date converter software helps to convert Rnglish date to Nepali Bikram sambat date and Nepali Bikram sambat date to English date. Nepali or Bikram sambat date converter is one of the most used application because many nepali people need to interact with the foriegn countries for study, dv applications and so on. Bikram sambat date converter is widely used in Nepal, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, SriLanka, Thailand, Malaysia etc. We have studied so much before building this nepali date converter to make our nepali users efficient for nepali to english date conversion. Eventhough this application can be modified to make it work more efficiently than it is now. So please don't forget to send the feedback. Nepali to English Date converter is very accurate tool for conversion.
Nepali Date Converter , BS to AD Date Converter, BS to AD, Nepali to English Date Converter, Nepali to AD date Converter, Date Converter